1.It would be wise forChinato ensure that total domestic demand expands enough to ensure that this is the case.
2.China reaffirmed its current policy stance, giving no hint that it was ready to stoke domestic demand by letting the yuan rise.
3.Let us ask ourselves the question: If Chinese exports were to weaken, could domestic demand make up the difference?
4.Beijing was right to focus on boosting domestic demand in the preparations for the next five-year plan for 2012-2017, the bank said.
5.China has been trying to boost domestic demand after criticism of its export-led growth policy over the past years.
6.If inflation picks up in China to the point where the authorities stamp down on domestic demand, thus making the trade surplus balloon.
7.That makes it more urgent for China to boost domestic demand, she said, since world markets will likely be unable to absorb the surplus.
8.China's domestic demand is about seven million tons a year, he said.
9."Over the next five years, China will make a great effort to boost domestic demand, especially consumer demand, " he said.
10.The news that did not make the news is that the growth contribution of domestic demand in Germany was larger that of net exports.